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search in city: New Rochelle
Search conditions: city New Rochelle, field of activity Taxi and minicab services
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Companies USA Companies in the state of New York
Cataloxy New Rochelle...Companies in New RochelleTransport & LogisticsTransportation and logistics servicesTaxi and minicab services in New Rochelle

Taxi and minicab services in New Rochelle

5 companies founded

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Pondfield Trip Svc.

Our staff and contributors provide news, information, resources and events for students, seniors, parents and professional people in Bronxville and...
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J Inc.

J.Crew is style over fashion and offers timeless outfits for Women, Men, and Children. It's sneakers with suits, color blocks &...
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Marine Taxi Service

Marine Taxi Service
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United Taxi Co.

United Taxi Co.
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Blue Bird Taxi Servicing Corp.

Blue Bird Taxi
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